Louhichi K., Merisier D., (2024). Potential impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy's Income Stabilisation Tool on farmers' incomes and crop diversity: A French case study. Journal of Agricultural Economics. doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12581
Mishra A.K., Louhichi K., Genovese G. and Gomez y Paloma S., (2023). Insights into land size and productivity in Ethiopia: What do data and heterogenous analysis reveal? Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 7:1057674. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1057674
Louhichi, K., Ricome, A., Gomez Y Paloma, S., (2022). Impacts of agricultural taxation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from agricultural produce cess in Tanzania. Agricultural Economics, 1-16.
Aghabeygi, M., Louhichi, K., Gomez Y Paloma, S., (2022). Impacts of fertilizer subsidy reform options in Iran: An assessment using a regional crop programming model. Bio-based and Applied Economics 11(1), 55-73.
Espinosa Goded, M., Louhichi, K., Ciaian, P., Perni, A., (2020). EU-wide impacts of the 2013 CAP direct payments reform: a farm-level analysis. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 42(4) 695-715.
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Louhichi, K., Ciaian P., Espinosa Goded M., Perni A., Gomez Y Paloma S., (2018). Economic Impacts of CAP Greening: Application of an EU-wide Individual Farm Model for CAP Analysis. European Review of Agricultural Economics (45) 2, 143-171.
Louhichi, K., Ciaian P., Espinosa Goded M., Colen L., Perni A., Gomez Y Paloma S., (2017). Does the crop diversfication measure impact EU farmers' decisions? An assessment using an Individual Farm Model for CAP Analysis (IFM-CAP). Land Use Policy 66, 250{264.
Louhichi, K., Gomez y Paloma, S., (2014). A farm household model for agri-food policy analysis in developing countries: Application to smallholder farmers in Sierra Leone. Food Policy 45(C), 1-13.
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Louhichi, K., Valin H. (2012). Assessing the micro-economic impacts of EU biofuel policies in the French arable sector: Linking global market and farm-based supply models. Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies (93) 3, 233-272.
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Louhichi, K., Kanellopoulos A., Janssen S., Flichman G., Blanco M., Hengsdijk H, Heckelei T., Berentsen P., Oude Lansink P. and Van Ittersum M., (2010). FSSIM, a Bio-Economic Farm for Simulating the Response of EU Farming Systems to Agricultural and Environmental Policies. Agricultural Systems (10) 8, 585-597.
Louhichi, K., Flichman G., Boisson J.M., (2010). Bio-economic modelling of soil erosion externalities and analysis of erosion control policies- A Tunisian case study. Journal of Bioeconomics,(12) 2, 145-167.
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